UCB_REF (Protective Services Intake data)
Revision History (most recent first)
- Added mandated reporter variable.
The modifications add variables to the UCB_REF derived table, but do not change existing variables with the exception of the renaming of one variable. The additions:
- Investigation status: The INVESTIGATE variable indicates whether the allegation was part of a referral where investigation was either intended or completed. The Referral Response Type (REF_RSPC) indicates whether investigation is intended. Using the Referral Response Type allows identification of investigated referrals prior to the completion of the investigation. The Disposition Type (ALG_DSPC) indicates, at the allegation level, whether an investigation was completed and, if completed, its conclusion.
- Demographic characteristics: Census race code and Hispanic Code are added (CENS_RC, HISP_CDX).
- Maltreatment location: Variables regarding the location of the maltreatment are added including address ID, city, state, and Zip Code (MALTX_FKADDRS_T, MALTX_CITY_NM, MALTR_STATE_C, MALTX_ZIP_NO).
- Child address at time of maltreatment: Variables regarding the residence of the child at the time of the maltreatment are added including address ID, city, county, state, Zip Code (REF_CITY_NM, REF_STATE_C, REF_ZIP_NO). In addition, the ID for the child’s residence address at the time of maltreatment is renamed from FKADDRS_T to REF_FKADDRS_T to distinguish it from the address where the maltreatment occurred.
- CWS Office: To allow determination of the rates of maltreatment by Los Angeles DCFS office service area, three possible offices are identified: The office handling the investigation (OFFICE_COUNTY); the office covering the area where the child lived (REF_COUNTY); and the office covering the area where the maltreatment occurred (MALTX_COUNTY). The most likely office (COUNTY) is assigned using the following priority order: (1) The investigating office if it is a regional, not specialized, office; (2) The child’s address if known and in Los Angeles County; (3) The address where the maltreatment occurred if known and in Los Angeles County. Los Angeles DCFS determined this priority order.
- Ephemera: The file includes three variables that were used in determining the assignment office (OFFICE_E_DT, OFFICE_S_DT, TYPE) that will be deleted from the final file.
- Added zip, state, city of maltreatment and time-of-referral address.
- Modified to add FKCLIENT_0 (abuser); CLNTRELC (relationship between child and abuser; and NON_PRT_CD (primarily to identify abuse in foster care).
- Made correction to mapping of P_ETHNCTYC to derived var ETHNIC.
- CNTY_SPFCD uses values from ASGNM_T.CNTY_SPCD added bounded range ASGNM_T.START_DT <= REF_RCV_DT <= ASGNM_T.END_DT to determine which assignment is appropriate for referral.
- Added REFERL_T.FKREFERL_T (Associated Referral).
- Methodology change. The original method used an inner-join between the REFERRAL_CLIENT and CHILD_CLIENT to construct the universe of child-victims. While these were indeed child-victims, they could be incorrectly linked to referrals, in which they were not a victim. The use of ALLGTN_T.FKCLIENT_T as the universe of child-victims, where each is linked to a referral (by FKREFERL_T), logically follows from the data model, and eliminates those records where a child is incorrectly appears in a referral as the victim.