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CFSR4: Permanency Performance Area 3
Permanency in 12 months for children in foster care 24 months or more

Notes on Source Data

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following methodology may include references to report features not available on the public site version. On the public site, masking is performed to protect the privacy of individuals served by CDSS and comply with CDSS data de-identification guidelines. Values of 1 to 10 and calculations based on values of 1 to 10 are masked ('M' or '*'). In stratified views of the data, additional values (the lowest available) are masked to prevent calculation of values 1 to 10.

Federal/CWS Outcomes Measure: Of all children in foster care on the first day of a 12- month period, who had been in foster care (in that episode) for 24 months or more, what percent discharged to permanency within 12 months of the first day of the 12-month period?

Denominator: The denominator consists of the number of children in foster care on the first day of the 12-month period who had been in foster care (in that episode) for 24 months or more. Children age 18 or more on the first day of the 12-month period are excluded.

Numerator: The numerator includes those children with a placement episode termination date that occurred within 12 months of the first day of the 12-month period, and a placement episode termination reason coded as exited to reunification with parents or primary caretakers, exited to guardianship, or exited to adoption. The category, 'Exited to non-permanency', includes those who exited care before 12 months, but not to one of the permanent exit types that make up the numerator. The category 'Still in care' is those children and youth who remained in care at the end of 12 months. Note that youth who exited care within the 12-month period, but on or after their 18th birthday, are counted as being in care.

Performance: Performance for this measure is the numerator divided by the denominator, expressed as a percentage. An increase in the percentage indicates an improvement in performance.

These rates may differ slightly from federal numbers reported by the Children's Bureau because the federal AFCARS data file excludes those children who exit to permanency early in the 6-month AFCARS reporting period and then reenter later within the same reporting period. Therefore, the Federal permanency rates will be slightly lower than the rates displayed here.

National Performance: The National Performance for this measure is ≥ 37.3%. For details, please see CFSR Technical Bulletin 13 (PDF).

Extension of Federal Measure: In the drill-down reports for this measure, information is provided on all children and youth in care on the first day of the 12-month period. These data can be examined in terms of all children in care or those in care less than 12 months, 12 to 23 months, and 24 months or longer on the first day of the 12-month period. This measure may also be run with stratification/filters that allow examination of performance for each of the three types of permanency (reunification, adoption, and guardianship).

  • County is assigned in this analysis using the county specific code from the case assignment table (or, if this information is not available, using the county specific code from the referral table, or if this information is not available, using the government entity type from the state id table) active on the first day of the specified time period.
  • Agency Type is assigned based on the responsible agency on the first day of the specified time period.
  • Age is assigned based on how old a child is on the first day of the specified time period.
  • Placement Type refers to the facility where a child was placed on the first day of the specified time period.
  • Caregiver Relationship refers to the value of the substitute care provider relationship to child variable on the first day of the specified time period.
  • The Trial Home Visit adjustment is not applied, consistent with the corrected federal definition (May 13, 2015) of this measure.

Cells containing a period (".") represent a value of zero. In cells representing quotients, a period may also indicate the indeterminate form 0/0.

Stratification and Filters: This measure may be run with filters to restrict the data to various subgroups of other variables (e.g., Black subgroup of the Ethnicity variable, <1 year old subgroup of the Age variable, etc.). Please see the links below for details:

Agency Type

Age Group

Ethnic Group

Sex at Birth

Placement Type

Caregiver Relationship

Exit Status