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CDSS Measure 2S By Month
Timely Monthly Caseworker Visits (In Home)

Notes on Source Data

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following methodology may include references to report features not available on the public site version. On the public site, masking is performed to protect the privacy of individuals served by CDSS and comply with CDSS data de-identification guidelines. Values of 1 to 10 and calculations based on values of 1 to 10 are masked ('M' or '*'). In stratified views of the data, additional values (the lowest available) are masked to prevent calculation of values 1 to 10.

These reports are only available for children in Child Welfare Department supervised care only; CWS/CMS does not include data on in-home services provided by other agencies.

This report considers each month separately. For an annual summary of monthly data, which corresponds to data in the CWS Outcomes report, please see ‘2S By Year - Timely monthly caseworker visits (in home)'. For each month, three numbers are determined for children in care:

1. The number of children receiving in-home services who were required to have an in-person contact. The child:
  • Must have been less than 18 years of age on the first day of the month;
  • Must have been in an open case during the entire month (i.e., the case start date must have been on or before the first day of the month and the case end date must have been on or after the last day of the month);
  • Must not have been in an open placement episode for the full calendar month (i.e., must have had at least one day of in-home services), as indicated in UCB_FC_AFCARS.
2. The number and percent of children in Group 1 who had at least one in-person contact during the month. The visit must have:
  • Occurred during the reporting month;
  • Been completed (status code from the delivered services table is “C”);
  • Been in-person (communication method of 408 from the delivered services table); and
  • Had contact type of “staff person to child” (contact party type of 425 from the contact party delivered services table).

3. The number and percent of children in Group 2 where at least one of that month’s in-person contacts was in the child’s residence; i.e., the visit had a contact location of “home” (contact location type of 417 on the delivered service table).

Note: Although unexpected, some Family Reunification, Permanent Placement, and Supportive Transition cases are included in this report due to children who were not in a foster placement at any time during the month because they were either on extended trial home visits, had run away from placements, were in non-foster care placements, or had returned home and were awaiting court orders changing their service program types.

Cells containing a period (".") represent a value of zero. In cells representing quotients, a period may also indicate the indeterminate form 0/0.

This measure may also be run with filters in place to restrict the data to various subgroups of other variables (e.g., Black subgroup of the Ethnicity variable, <1 year old subgroup of the Age variable, etc.). Please see the links below for details:

Age Group

Ethnic Group

Sex at Birth

Service Component